The Poison Grotto

Primal DC
Excalibur • Goblet • Ward 3 • Plot 42
The Sultana's Breath Subdivision (aetheryte)

Hours of Operation:
Saturdays • 9pm - 1am PST (12am - 4am EST)

"Pick your poison at your own risk. Feeling brave?" - Doku

Note: We will be closed until October for summer vacation!

About Us

Run by an inherent night owl, The Poison Grotto features a downstairs bar & lounge where guests can let loose and unwind after a long day. We aim to provide an entertainment space where people can be comfortable.Dancing? Drinks? Food? Drinks?! We have it. Getting overwhelmed and need a more peaceful type of relaxation? Lucky for you, The Poison Grotto operates on duality. Take some time and relax in the peaceful atmosphere of the ground floor.(Note: This establishment is not intended for ERP purposes. Please remember to be respectful to staff and guests alike.)

Update (6/21/2022)

"Wasn't The Poison Grotto a nightclub?" Yes, yes it was. After a recent remodel for an event we held, we decided to keep the look due to positive feedback. However, the venue no longer has a "nightclub" vibe to it. We took this opportunity to embrace the changes and rebrand into a bar & lounge. New look and feel, but largely the same Grotto it has always been.

Current Location (Goblet)

Original Location (Lavender Beds)

(Pictures taken by Lavi)






Tessa ★

Yuito ★

★ = Host/Hostess








Age: 26
Pronoun(s): She/Her/Hers
Race: Wildwood Elezen
Likes: tomes, potions, the Arts, spicy food, Chimera Doll, personal space
Dislikes: love potions, spiders, empty promises, unsolicited touching (especially the horns)

Doku is the proprietor and resident night owl of The Poison Grotto and Poisoned Pestle apothecary. She often forgoes sleeping and eating in favor of completing tasks, much to the chagrin of those close to her. Having lived the scholarly life for many years, she decided to take on activities and ventures that would allow her creativity to flourish. When she isn't at the Grotto, she can usually be found brewing potions or harvesting ingredients, partaking in creative outlets, or lecturing at the Scholasticate.Despite appearances, Doku is clumsy, oblivious, and introverted. While polite and a tad shy at first, she becomes sassy and flirtatious as time goes on. As long as you are polite and respectful to her staff, Doku is more than happy to converse with you and make sure you're having a good time.After recovering from a traumatic ordeal, this elezen is restless and ready to go back to work. However, there seems to have been a change in her...


Age: 27
Pronoun(s): He/Him/His
Race: Xaela Au Ra | ???
Likes: cooking, tea, dueling, Paissa
Dislikes: cats, sweets, skin contact, trouble

A mysterious mercenary-for-hire from the Malaguld tribe that serves as a bouncer and cook. He’s currently supporting Doku in her business during his off-hours. He puts up with the mischief of his fellow staff and does not get along well with fellow staff member Lycoris.He chooses not to disclose much about his personal life. He won’t hesitate to use his katana or fists to solve disputes if they ever do occur, but he prefers not to have to throw anybody out. Though not very talkative he will still make conversation if he’s approached. Perhaps in doing so you’ll be able to pick out secrets from this elusive man.


Age: 24
Pronoun(s): He/Him/His
Race: Sun Seeker Miqo'te
Likes: giving compliments, 'out of the ordinary’ food (i.e. Xaela tail), fighting, provoking certain people, sleeping on the floor
Dislikes: splashes of water, wearing too many clothes, nobles/upper class, close combat, math

A dancer of Sun Seeker origin, he works in the Grotto alongside his twin sister, Ota. Whenever Doku needs help at the bar, he provides his bartending skills to the table.Luciel goes above and beyond during his work, ensuring the satisfaction of his guests. He’s incredibly smug and is best described as a playboy. Luciel used to go under the name of 'Lycoris' in order to hide from his now Xaela husband and fellow staff, Lavi. But as their love story goes, he now has no reason to hide. He still tends to mess with Lavi, creating a lively but sometimes unbearable workplace.


Age: ???
Pronoun(s): She/They/Her/Them/Hers/Theirs
Race: Seeker of the Sun Miqo'te
Likes: Doku, the color red, fire, apples, painting, helping others, carpentry, learning new things, bubble baths
Dislikes: isolation, being misunderstood, complicated problems, wasting time, gaelicatnip



Status: Inactive
Age: 24
Pronoun(s): She/Her/Hers
Race: Seeker of the Sun Miqo'te
Likes: 2B, bullying Lycoris, laughing
Dislikes: 2P, her natural hair color, people disrespecting the staff

Ota is the resident hellion. She works as a dancer at the Grotto in order to have another place to bully her twin brother, Lycoris. Only younger by a few minutes, she takes full advantage of being the bratty one. However, Ota has a soft spot for Lycoris and won't hesitate to put down anyone who dares to mock what is rightfully hers to poke fun at.Even though she can be a pain in the arse, Ota is extremely helpful and funny. However, having a low tolerance for bullshit, she hates those who disrespect her friends and fellow staff members. Watch out, this miqo'te has claws and isn't afraid to use them.


Status: Inactive
Age: 123 (looks 22)
Pronoun(s): She/Her/Hers
Race: Rava Viera
Likes: her children, books, music, dancing, singing, cooking, water and snow
Dislikes: rudeness, pushiness, close-minded people, unwanted advances, fights

A beautiful and kindhearted mother of six, she’s lived longer than most and has seen her fair share of the hells this world has to offer. She always gives her heart and soul to people that need help, even if it hurts her in the process. Her kindness knows no bounds, her heart full of love. Her adopted children are most important to her, always keeping her worried and stressed for their safety. Saya came upon the Grotto shortly before her accident and danced the night away, meeting the group once again—a few weeks later—at an inn.Anyone wanting to make contact with her would announce themselves, as the bar is loud and her eyes are no longer of use to her. Even so, she will make sure to give you all of her attention and care, wanting everyone that enters to feel happy as they spend time at her dearest friend’s establishment. Shy and caring, she has trouble sometimes taking the stage or initiating conversation. While being blind sometimes hinders her work, weakness is not a part of her and she will not hesitate to protect her friends and loved ones if anyone gets too rowdy.


Status: Inactive
Age: 23
Pronoun(s): She/Her/Hers
Race: Duskwight Elezen
Likes: reading, red roses, hot stews, the sound of rain
Dislikes: loud noises, two-faced people, talking about herself



Status: Inactive
Age: 27
Pronoun(s): She/Her/Hers
Race: Keeper of the Moon Miqo'te
Likes: organization, delicious food, confidence
Dislikes: bright lights, haughtiness, rushing

A student of the Arcanist’s Guild who spends her days furthering scientific research and her nights showing off her delicious grayish blue skin and snowy white fur to her admirers.Sophia is naturally curious about the world and equally curious about other people. She may say that her participation in the night-life scene is for ethnographic purposes, but she derives a secret satisfaction from being admired in public. Sophia is a tremendous tease, but her erotic proclivities may surprise you. She likes to reward those who are clever and kind.

Tessa ★

Pronoun(s): She/Her/Hers
Race: Raen Au Ra
Likes: Attention, compliments and appreciation, carbonated drinks, spider lilies, hyacinths, interesting people and stories, flirting
Dislikes: Boredom, close-mindedness, maliciousness

A quick witted and friendly hostess, looking for unique conversations and interesting people. With a myriad of past experiences, she's easy to talk to, and even better at listening. While she's comfortable talking about anything, she's also not afraid of verbal warfare, and antagonistic conversation is dealt with mercilessly.Sometimes silent but consistently people watching; always open to walk up conversation. She's been known to stir up a situation or two, but generally with people she likes. She's also prone to flirting, especially with cute women.Carrd:

Yuito ★

Age: 24
Pronoun(s): He/Him/His
Race: Veena Viera
Likes: Gil, Gambling, Jet Black Dye, Sushi, Fishing
Dislikes: Onions, Useless Junk, Wasted Time

A former sky pirate that currently works as a host at the Poison Grotto. He is also a game dealer on his off hours and likes to gamble with other people, preferably playing Blackjack and Deathrolling. Usually quiet and unlikely to strike a conversation with others unless he sees a potential benefit, but not one to turn people away should they want to have a chat with him.He tends to mess around with the other staff members, especially Lavi, for his amusement. Luciel, in particular, interests him the most and usually is around him if he happens to be in during the night. Otherwise, he often is found sitting on the tables around the seating areas, resting on the couches, or near the bar lost in thought.


Age: 24
Pronoun(s): He/Him/His
Race: Plainsfolk Lalafell
Likes: his flamethrower, weapons (though he can't use them at work)
Dislikes: weak mindsets, people calling his food burnt

The "MASTER" chef who was scouted out by the proprietor of The Poison Grotto for his “eccentric” cooking style... and Doku's establishment was the only one that would let him use his flamethrower as a cooking tool. When he isn’t in the kitchen he moonlights as a bouncer.Duah is a strange albeit nice individual, though bad at interacting with strangers. He has a habit of eating some of the extra bacon bread and gets paid in said bread at his own request. He is very bad at holding conversations. Just don't call him cute; he is what he likes to call "Epic".


Status: Hibernating
Age: 25
Pronoun(s): He/Him/His
Race: Hellsguard Roegadyn
Likes: humbleness, red pandas, taming dangerous creatures, simplicity, sparring, spicy food
Dislikes: bubbles (actual bubbles), narcissism, confined spaces, unwanted attention, big words

A Roegadyn of the Hellsguard, his name suggests a more gentle soul at work, preferring to handle things peacefully. Though mostly harmless, his temperament can get the best of him. Violence was normal throughout his childhood, and his violent tendencies show when he loses his temper towards those who don’t behave. Lavi discovered him at Camp Bronze Lake’s Hot Springs, where they quickly made conversation. This resulted in offering him a job as a bouncer at the establishment.Being humorous and friendly to all who would seek conversation with him, this gentle giant is loyal to the rules of the establishment and does not waver to confront those who decide to break these rules. Though he prefers quiet places, he finds the social interactions at the establishment an interesting break in the monotony of his life.Bubbles is currently hibernating.

2nd Anniversary Event


Drink Roulette

8,000 gil per try

Feeling adventurous tonight? Why not try your hand at the drink roulette? Round and round it goes, where it stops...only Fate knows! The usual Grotto drinks will be used for this experience. Watch out--the staff may be adding a good dose of Doku's experimental potions from Poisoned Pestle, and not all effects will be nice. Luckily for you, all effects are temporary. Will your drink be safe or does Fate have something in store for you?

The poison will be picking you tonight, traveler.

How it works:

For this roleplay experience, one of the staff members will ask you to /random two times. The first number you roll determines the drink you get, which the staff member will then give you. However, the second roll will determine which effect you receive! The staff member will then type out your results, so please be patient.

Drink Roulette Mini Game

8,000 gil per try

Feeling adventurous tonight? Why not try your hand at the drink roulette? Round and round it goes, where it stops...only Fate knows. The usual Grotto drinks will be used for this experience. Watch out--the staff may be adding a good dose of Doku's experimental potions from Poisoned Pestle, and not all effects will be nice. Luckily for you, all effects are temporary. Will you receive the safe drink?

The poison will be picking you tonight, traveler.

How it works:

For this roleplay experience, one of the staff members will ask you to '/random' two times. The first roll determines the drink you will receive, which the staff member will make for you. However, the second roll determines if your drink is safe! The staff member will then type out your results, so please be patient.

Drink Roulette: Sin Edition

8,000 gil per try

Feeling adventurous tonight? Why not try your hand at the drink roulette? Round and round it goes, where it stops...only Fate knows. The usual Grotto drinks will be used for this experience. Watch out--the staff may be adding a good dose of one of Doku's potions to them. For Valentione's, we will be reintroducing the Sin Tonic. Each concoction will have the drinker embodying one of the seven deadly sins. Luckily for you, all effects are temporary. Which sin will you receive?

The poison will be picking you tonight, traveler.

How it works:

For this roleplay experience, one of the staff members will ask you to '/random' two times. The first roll determines the drink you will receive, which the staff member will make for you. However, the second roll determines if your drink is safe! The staff member will then type out your results, so please be patient.

We only ask that those with certain effects to not be too explicit in anything they RP. Thank you!



Are you here all on your lonesome and fancy an exclusive chat? Or perhaps drowning in drinks isn't cutting it and you need someone to lend an ear? The Poison Grotto is happy to provide hosting services to our guests (we only have two, so please be kind to them). They will have a green "Looking for Party" tag above their heads. You may also find their profiles in the Staff section, indicated by a star next to their names, or below by clicking on one of the images.


30 minutes = 70,000 gil
1 hour = 110,000 gil
If you want a group session, the cost will be base price and then +50% for each additional person.



Note: The staff members providing the hosting service reserve the right to decline and leave the conversation at any time if uncomfortable. We stress that this is not an ERP service and ask that our guests not treat it as such.


PG Series

Yup, this is what we're calling our event series...PG. This page will be updated over time as we plan events. Not all of them will be a contest, but we aim to make each one fun and entertaining.Note: Do you use Twitter? Feel free to share screenshots of your glams/time at our venue using #thepoisongrotto

#11 - January 27, 2024 @9:00pm PST

#10 - October 21, 2023 @9:00pm PST

Hello my pretties! It is about time for the tenth event in the PG Series. We will be hosting the return of an 'All Saint's Wake' theme night. Come dressed to kill and join us for a spooky time.👻Drinks will be 1/2 off for the entire night, fall specials will be free, and if you're dressed in a 'costume' and say the magic words you'll get a treat.

#9 - February 11, 2023 @9:00pm PST

#8 - January 21, 2023 @9:00pm PST

#7 - June 11, 2022 @10:00pm PST

Hello, guests and patrons! Solana would like to formally invite you to The Poison Grotto's SEVENTH event in the PG Series: the Nightshade Masquerade Ball! For one night, the nightclub will be transformed into a ballroom. Come dressed to the nines in a flora themed outfit (plant, flower, tree, etc) and dance the night away. Bonus points for something poisonous--though not required!To go along with this event, there will be a special menu for drinking and dining! As a bonus, you will be able to partake in a drink roulette mini game. If you're feeling brave, why not try it out? Giveaways will also be happening throughout the night.


Drink Roulette Mini Game

Feeling adventurous tonight? Why not try the drink roulette? Round and round it goes, where it stops...only Fate knows. The usual Grotto drinks will be used for this experience. Watch out--the staff will be adding a good dose of Doku's experimental potions, and not all effects will be nice. Will you receive the safe drink? The poison will be picking you tonight, traveler.

6,000 gil per try

How it works:

For this roleplay experience, one of the staff members will ask you to /random. The number you roll determines the drink you get, which the staff member will then give you. However, a second roll will be required to see if your drink is safe! The staff member will then type out your results, so please be patient.

#6 - February 12, 2022 @10:00pm PST [RP 18+]

Hello fellow sinners! You are invited to our SIXTH event in the PG Series. For Valentione's we will be hosting a "Seven Deadly Sins" themed night! Each staff member will be representing a specific sin--will you be able to tell which one? We encourage you to dress and act the part as well! Come one, come all. Join us and reveal all of your sins~ ♥(Drinks will be half off for the entire night and the menu has been updated to reflect this change. Due to potential sexually explicit language and graphical imagery, this event will be marked "RP18+")

#5 - January 22, 2022 @10:00pm PST [RP 18+]

The Poison Grotto's 1st Anniversary will be held on Saturday, January 22 starting at 10pm PST! To celebrate we are hosting a "Striple Triad Challenge" event! Because the event is "striple," it will be marked [RP 18+].

(Subject to change, but will be finalized before the event starts.)

  • To participate in this event, you must have Triple Triad unlocked.

  • Your deck may have one 5-star and one 4-star ONLY, with the rest being 3-star or lower. If you use the recommended deck, this will set this automatically for you.

  • You must be wearing five pieces of visible gear (Head/Chest/Hands/Legs/Feet).

  • Since this is "Striple" Triad, the object of the game is to fully divest the staff "NPC"—or vice versa—of their gear. Both the challenger and "NPC" will be wearing five pieces of visible gear. If the challenger loses a round, they take off one of their gear pieces; if the "NPC" loses a round, then they take off a gear piece. If the challenger is able to fully divest the staff "NPC" of their gear, this will be considered a full victory. Note that this may take more than five rounds, so be prepared to devote some time.

  • There will be three staff "NPCs," and each one will have their own rules to play by.

  • To challenge an "NPC," simply walk up to them and either request a challenge in /say or via PM. If they are busy with a challenge, please wait until they are finished.

  • Yes, you may challenge all three "NPCs."

  • If you lose all rounds against an "NPC," you may challenge them again if there is nobody waiting to take your spot.

  • Keep in mind that the "NPCs" will be keeping track of who has challenged them.

  • Also keep in mind that there is a LIMITED amount of prizes, and each "NPC" drops something different. Prize info will be below.

  • If prizes run out, you are more than welcome to challenge the "NPCs" for fun. This is meant to be a fun event night after all!

PRIZES:There are LIMITED prizes for this event. There will be three staff "NPCs," and each one "drops" something different upon FULL defeat. In this case, full defeat means the challenger is able to divest the "NPC" of all five pieces of their gear.

  • Doku: Upon full defeat, Doku will award the first TEN winners with an Adventure Basket minion.

  • Yuito: Upon full defeat, Yuito will award the first FIVE winners with a Calamari Minion.

  • Lavi: Upon full defeat, Lavi will award the first FIVE winners with a Barding of Eternal Darkness.

  • The first THREE winners to fully defeat all three staff "NPCs" will also receive 100,000 gil.

#4 - October 30, 2021 @10:30pm PST

Hello my pretties! This is our FOURTH event in the PG Series. We are hosting another "All Saint's Wake" themed night! Come dressed to kill and join us for a spooky night ♥(Drinks will be half off for the entire night and the menu has been updated to reflect this change. This event will also be hosted in a different location.)

#3 - October 16, 2021 @10pm PST

Hello my pretties! This is our third event in the PG Series. We are hosting an "All Saint's Wake" themed night! Come dressed to kill and join us for a spooky night ♥(Drinks will be half off for the entire night and the menu has been updated to reflect this change.)

#2 - June 19, 2021 @10pm PST

Hear ye, hear ye! This is our second event in the PG Series. We are hosting a "royalty" themed night! Come alone or with an entourage, but dress to impress and show us your inner royal!(Drinks will be half off for the entire night and the menu has been updated to reflect this change.)

#1 - March 6, 2021 @11pm PST

This is our first ever event! The Sinnoh remakes for Pokemon have recently been announced, so what theme would be more fitting to have for a glamour contest than Pokemon?Pokemon, trainers, Gym Leaders, Elite Four, Champions, etc. If you can pull together a glamour that is Pokemon related, make sure to enter!

There will be TWO categories (yes, you can enter both)!

  • Category #1: Individual

  • Category #2: Group (2-4 people)


  • We open at 10pm PST, but the contest will begin at 11pm. We will be taking entries until 10:59pm, however we may be lenient depending on how many people sign up.

  • Doku will be available for recording your entry. Please go up to her and /tell her which category you will participate in and what your entry is. You may participate in both categories if you wish (yes, you may use a different glam).

  • If you are entering as a group (2-4 people), only one of your party needs to /tell Doku. Please let her know the names of the people entering with you and what your group entry is.

  • Once you have signed up please stick around or make sure you are back by 10:59pm PST.

  • Once the contest starts we will call participants up to the stage one by one. Participants in the Individual category will be going first, followed by Groups.

  • If you are not there when you are called we will skip you.

  • You may perform emotes or a small skit, but try not to take too long. Minions are also allowed. Once your turn is done please exit the stage and make way for the next person.

  • There will be a 10 minute intermission between categories. If you are participating in both and are using different glams, we advise that you take this time to change/visit a crystal bell (if need be). Make sure you are back before the 10 minutes are up.

  • There will be three judges and we will take a few minutes to deliberate before announcing winners for both categories.

  • If you win a prize please stick around after the contest.

  • We will take a group picture after the contest is over!


Category #1: Individual

  • First Place: Crafted Tsukuyomi Weapon (winner's choice)

  • Second Place: Hedgehoglet

  • Third Place: Calfskin Rider's Jacket

  • Fourth Place: Albino Karakul Mount

  • Fifth Place: Titania Barding

Category #2: Group

  • First Place: Crafted Zurvan [of the Demon] Weapons (winner's choice)

  • Second Place: 100,000 gil each